Thursday 2 August 2012

A Day In The Life Of....... A Superhero!

It's no secret to those who know me that given the chance to be a superhero, I'd be fighting crime quicker than you can say Namor the Submariner! so it won't come as a shock that this past weekend when the opportunity arose for me to cape up for a fancy dress party that I did just that. I wasn't conventional however and went for the alter ego of Eric Wimp, this being the children's classic, Bananaman. All suited up and ready to go I then realised I first had to walk the dog. I then found myself feeling completely out of place as I walked the streets dressed in my fruit based protagonist's attire and couldn't help but see the funny side as I received baffling stares from passers by. At this point it struck me how odd it must be if we could see our hero's carrying out the most everyday mundane tasks, and it appears someone else has shared this musing.

Hong Kong photographer Chow Kar Hoo has created a series of snaps depicting some of our best loved superhero characters carrying out some everyday tasks in Hong Kong itself. The series sees Batman browsing a street market, The Green Hornet and Kato carrying out some car maintenance and Hell Boy enjoying some local cuisine to name just a few. The collection of photos are brilliantly shot showcasing not only the characters themselves but capturing the character of Hong Kong as well. Spiderman, Wolverine, Wonder Woman and Superman also feature in the collection of snaps which can be seen at the links below and I've posted a few of my favourites as well. I have also posted a link to Chow Kar Hoo's own website so you can check out more of what he has produced, there is some really cool photography on there so have a look.!

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