Monday 23 July 2012

A Superior Comic Book

Back in the Winter of 2010 I can remember hearing a lot of buzz surrounding a new Mark Millar project due for publication. The project in question was Superior and after a bit of research i found myself buying each issue over the following 12 months. The comic book had a very classic feel to it with a protagonist that for me resembled early Superman and more specifically it brought me back to old Captain Marvel stories i had read as a youngster. I felt the need to post about the series as after the 3rd time of reading i still feel this comic book didn't get the credit it deserves. For me its rare to find work in this era that re-captures that classic traditional look and feel of a superhero and so for me, With Millar's captivating story and the illustrations of Leinil Yu, Superior was an instant favourite.

The story of the Superior comic book series centres around Simon Pooni, a teenager who suffers from multiple sclerosis and who is a huge fan of the superhero Superior, who is a fictional character similar to that of Superman. One night Simon's life is turned around when a mysterious crossover between a monkey and an astronaut appears in his room and through the offer to grant him one wish turns Simon into Superior (This for me lead to my first Captain Marvel reference in terms of the wizard Shazam acting similar to the monkey). I won't go into much more detail on the plot of the story so not to ruin it for potential readers but i found it to be a real throwback to previous generations of superheros almost paying homage to them in Superior's appearance and personality. I recommend Superior for any comic book fans as a great read and I've posted a couple of photos of the series below to wet your appetite. I've heard on the grapevine there has been talk of a motion picture in the pipeline, i can't confirm this but would love to see where they take the story if true. I've also posted a link to Forbidden Planet's Superior collection, it seems they currently are out of stock but you can be notified for future sales.

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