Sunday 29 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Review

This past Friday I finally got to see the final instalment in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. I had the chance to see the film earlier but held off so that I could view it in all it's intended guts and glory on an IMAX screen and it was sure worth the wait.

I will say before hand that this review will contain no intended spoilers of the story for future cinema goers, it is merely my opinion on the finishing touches to the trilogy that for me has had more of an impact than any beforehand. In a strange twist in logic I will firstly comment on my feelings after the film had ended, a mixed bag of emotions made up mostly of satisfaction, awe and grief in terms of this being the last time I will look forward to such a batman cinematic experience. If this is the last time we will ever see Nolan behind the scenes of a Batman flick then to me it's a sad yet necessary truth. I have never been one that gets excited when sequels or adaptations of past films arise, I have always felt the feeling surrounding an original film or series can never truly be recaptured or improved upon. I think this trilogy ends with many questions answered and asked but I would expect nothing less and quite frankly I like it that way and hope it never changes.

My feelings of awe and satisfaction at Friday's viewing are purely based on what, for me, was purely of the most exciting films I have ever seen and i feel it's right up there with it's two predecessors Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I know it's generally not the most common view on the series but I have always preferred the 1st of the films due it's focus on Batman/Bruce Wayne himself and his journey to becoming the Dark Knight. This is something that I loved about TDKR as the story manages to bring back this focus yet without taking any importance away from the character of Bane.

One point I feel I have to make even if many have made it before is how good the casting and and portrayal of these characters has been. Bale, Caine, Freeman and Oldman to name just a few have really made emotional connections to their respective characters which is something I feel shows throughout the series. In regard to TDKR I have to give a special mention to Mr. Tom Hardy as Bane. I have become a huge fan of Hardy over the past few years and couldn't wait to see what he brought to the table as Batman's newest enemy in the series. A great performance where much like Heath Ledger's Joker I found myself cheering him on as well as Batman due to purely how entertaining his personality is to watch.

I could carry on talking about TDKR for hours but feel I would probably say something that may ruin it for future viewers so I'll bring my thoughts to a close now with only one final statement.... GO AND WATCH IT!

As always there is a photo to get your teeth into below and I've also posted a link To Christopher Nolan's 'Farewell Letter' as it has been named to the Franchise itself, it makes and interesting read if your a fan of the franchise so check it out.

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